Eyebrow lift

High eyebrows - a highlight for your eyes

Vermessung der Augenbrauen bei einer Patientin.

Facts about the eyebrow lift.

Back to an open view.

OP duration
1.5 hours
Intravenous anesthesia or local anesthesia
Clinic stay
Outpatient or 1 night
Socially acceptable
After 3 weeks
Pulling stitches
After 48 hours or 8 days
After 6 weeks
After 3 weeks
Final result
After 8 weeks

Experienced for a fresh look.

Dr. Berkei and her anti-aging experts explain the Gliding Brow Lift.

Firm skin with the
Gliding Brow Lift.

Turn back time a little.

Junge Dame mit ausdrucksstarken natürlichen Augenbrauen.

Treatable problems with the Gliding Brow Lift

Drooping eyebrows
Tired look
Forehead wrinkles
Asymmetrical eyebrows
Difficulties applying make-up

The eyebrow lift
at Dr. Berkei.

A precise procedure for your rejuvenation.

Individual consultation
Detailed planning
Precise treatment
Com­­pre­­­hen­­­sive aftercare
Dr. Berkei und Dr. Tosun


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Best possible results through experience.

The B Safe package at Dr. Berkei is a customized aftercare program specifically designed to ensure rapid recovery and optimal results following a brow lift. This comprehensive package provides you with personalized care and regular follow-ups to ensure that you are optimally supported throughout the healing process. This gives you peace of mind that you are in good hands and will experience a safe recovery, while you can look forward to your youthful, alert look.

Procedure after an eyebrow lift

Week 1
2-3 controls, removal of Haemostatic Net after 48 hours, bed rest, cooling
Week 2
2 checks, suture removal after approx. 8 days, couch
Week 3
1 Control, socially acceptable, scar care
Week 4
1 check
Week 5-7
Check if required, sport permitted
Approx. week 3-8
Final check with Dr. Berkei
Dr. Berkei, die die Nachuntersuchung bei einer Patientin durchführt.


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Answers to your questions.

Das Logo von Berkei Plastic Surgery, der Praxis für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie von Dr. Julia Berkei.
Awaken the fresh look.

Find a new radiance and an awake expression with an eyebrow lift from Dr. Berkei. Book your individual consultation now.

Ein zufriedener Patient mit