Intimate surgery

A precise procedure for more
self-confidence and relief

mommy makeover

Facts about intimate surgery.

More well-being through a minor procedure.

OP duration
60-90 minutes,
then 2 hours wake-up zone
OP technique
After precise measurement with fine microsurgical instruments, longitudinal resection for tissue removal
Local anesthesia, but mostly intravenous anesthesia (TIVA), laryngeal mask
Clinic stay
Outpatient or 1 night inpatient stay
Socially acceptable
After 1 week
Pulling stitches
No stitches required due to the use of self-dissolving stitches
Sport after 4-6 weeks, sexual intercourse and jogging after 6-8 weeks
Once a week in the first 1-3 weeks, after 2 months if desired

Transparent information.

"The topic should be socially accepted. It needs to be talked about!

Labia reduction.

Harmonious contours and a good body feeling.

Porträt einer Patientin, die eine weiße Blume in beiden Händen hält.

Frequent problems

Long labia
Asymmetrical labia
Discomfort during sexual intercourse
Pain in tight clothing
Pain when cycling
Your options

The surgical techniques

Grafik der weiblichen Schamlippen mit blau markiertem Bereich für die Klitorismantel­straffung.
Labia reduction
Clitoral hood lift

Your discreet advice.

Comprehensive information on your individual treatment.

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More Information


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With precise perfection for your well-being.

Procedure after intimate surgery

Week 1
1-2 checks, bed rest
Week 2
1 check, couch
Week 3
If necessary 1 check, workable for office
Week 4
1 check, resilient for activities outside the office
Week 5-7
Sports, sexual intercourse
Approx. week 3-8
Final check with Dr. Berkei
Aufnahme von Dr. Berkei und einer Patietin
Porträt von lächelnder Dr. Berkei in OP-Kleidung.

Fast healing.

How Dr. Berkei minimizes risks.

Aufnahme einer glücklichen Patientin, die auf einem Sofa liegt.



Porträt einer Patientin, die nachdenklich über ihre Schulter schaut.


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Answers to your questions.

Das Logo von Berkei Plastic Surgery, der Praxis für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie von Dr. Julia Berkei.
Start your journey
into light-heartedness.

Become more self-confident and satisfied with your body. Dr. Berkei will provide you with discreet and professional advice on the sensitive subject of intimate surgery. Make an appointment today and let our experienced team support you.

Aufnahme einer entspannten Patientin, die die Arme ausbreitet.