B Safe

Your safe way to your desired result

Aufnahme von Dr. Berkei, die das Gesicht einer Patientin auf dem Behandlungsstuhl untersucht.
logo b safe

Dr. Berkei's safety concept and guarantee of success.

The goal in the practice of Dr. Berkei and colleagues is to ensure that an excellent result is achieved for every with their plastic and aesthetic surgery procedure. Dr. Berkei and her colleagues are committed to this with great care, extensive attention and the utmost precision. On the way to your desired result, we are there for you from the first consultation until long after the procedure, giving you relief, comfort and security at all times.

The high success rate of more than 99% of surgical procedures performed by Dr. Berkei and her colleagues is made possible by the B Safe safety concept developed and perfected by Dr. Berkei in more than 26 years of experience in plastic and aesthetic surgery. It defines safety measures and fixed procedures according to which every procedure and every treatment in Dr. Berkei’s practice is carried out.


By strictly following the B Safe concept, Dr. Berkei and her colleagues can continuously guarantee the best possible results with a high success rate and your maximum safety. A unique approach that makes the work of each individual team member a special experience and enables you as a patient to achieve your desired results that will last a lifetime.

Dr. Berkei, die einer glücklichen Patientin ihre Hand auf die Schulter legt.
Aufnahme von Dr. Berkei, die eine Patientin untersucht, von der man nur Kopf und Schulter von hinten sieht.


The start of your individual B Experience.

Porträt von Dr. Berkei vor einem großen Wandbild in Grün Blau und Braun Tönen.
Aufnahme von Dr. Berkei zusammen mit einem Patienten bei der Nachuntersuchung.


The transparent and precise course of your treatment.

A detailed discussion of your wishes is the basis for precise planning of your individual treatment in our practice. We work with you to define each step in detail and inform you transparently about what you can expect in concrete terms. This gives you a precise picture of the procedures and the process before the actual surgery date and allows you to relax and prepare for the day.

Before the operation, there will also be a pre-operative consultation in which the timeline of the operation will be gone through with you step by step. You will learn exactly how to behave before, during and after the operation in order to accelerate wound healing and provide you with a pleasant experience.

The pre-op consultation is an important part of the B Safe concept, which ensures that both Dr. Berkei and her colleagues and you as the patient are informed about the exact procedure at all times and that all questions can be clarified in detail. You can also express your individual wishes in detail during the pre-op consultation and discuss them with Dr. Berkei and her colleagues so that you feel safe and well protected on the day of the operation. We listen to you patiently and pay close attention to achieving your desired result.

Aufnahme von glücklicher Patientin während des Beratungsgesprächs mit Dr. Berkei.
Aufnahme von Herr Elzebair und Dr. Berkei, die zusammen auf ein Tablet schauen. Im Hintergrund ist ein Blumenstrauß in rot und pinkt


With care, precision and perfection for a natural result.

Every single operation performed by Dr. Berkei and her colleagues is carried out in compliance with the strictest safety regulations and hygiene measures. The focus is not only on the patient’s safety, but also on achieving particularly natural results that blend in perfectly with the individual’s appearance. Many patients report a positive perception by those around them after the operation, without a surgical procedure being recognizable.

Dr. Berkei and her colleagues work with the utmost care and precision to ensure you have a pleasant procedure with rapid wound healing. To ensure your comfort and the optimal course of your treatment, numerous preventive measures are taken to avoid risks and complications. Through many years of experience and performing operations on more than 36,000 patients, Dr. Berkei and her colleagues have optimized and perfected the application of preventive measures.

Nahaufnahme vom Gesicht einer Patientin mit eingezeichneter gepunkteter, krumme Linie auf der Nase.
Aufnahme von Dr. Berkei und einer Kollegin konzentriert während einer OP am Gesicht.

Precautionary measures for an operation

To ensure that your desired result is achieved in the best possible way, we carefully document your wishes and goals. You also have the opportunity to write detailed wish lists and bring pictures of your desired result to the operation, which we will hang in the operating room. This enables us to respond even more precisely to your ideas and get close to the result of your dreams. Our goal is for you to be happy with the results of your treatment with Dr. Berkei for the rest of your life and to be able to look in the mirror with a smile every day.

Aufnahme einer glücklichen Patientin, die ein Bild mit ihrer gewünschten Oberlid From in den Händen hält.
Handgeschriebene Liste mit Wünschen wie die Nase nach der OP sein soll.
Aufnahme von Dr. Berkei und einer glücklichen Patientin im OP-Kittel kurz vor der OP.


Carefully and safely looked after from the very first moment.

Dr. Berkei and her colleagues are there for you before, during and after your operation. It is very important to us that your questions are answered in detail at all times and that you know exactly what to do to optimize the course of your treatment. We are even available for you around the clock from the day of the operation – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will be given our emergency number and can contact our medical team at any time if you have specific questions.

Before the operation, Dr. Berkei and her colleagues will take 30 minutes to talk to you again about your wishes and the upcoming operation. The discussion with you as the patient should give you confidence and comfort for the upcoming operation and a precise overview of the procedure. So you can fall asleep relaxed and wake up feeling good.

Aufnahme von Dr. Berkei und einer glücklichen Patientin bei einer Untersuchung.
Aufnahme von Dr. Berkei, die neben einer sitzenden Patientin steht und ihr die Hand auf die Schulter legt. Beide im OP-Kleidung.

The B Safe package during anesthesia

The moment you wake up after anesthesia is a special moment in which we are there for you immediately. After the operation, you will wake up safely in the presence of Dr. Berkei and her team, who will immediately explain to you how your operation went. Your relatives will be contacted and informed about the progress of the operation as soon as you wake up from anesthesia. This not only gives you, but also your contacts a feeling of security.

Even after your operation, you can look forward to your desired result with peace of mind. Because Dr. Berkei and her colleagues use a special anti-pain cocktail during each operation, you can expect no to minimal pain after surgery. Only 10% of patients have mild to moderate pain, 90% have no pain after waking up.

Porträt einer glücklichen Patientin auf einem Bett liegend nach der OP.


The comprehensive care package for results that will satisfy you for a lifetime.

Aufnahme von Dr. Berkei, die die Nachuntersuchung der Nase bei einer Patientin mithilfe eines langen Wattestäbchens durchführt.
Nahaufnahme vom Gesicht einer Patientin bei der Nachuntersuchung einer Augenlid-OP.

The time after the procedure is particularly important for optimal wound healing and achieving your desired result. Only by following the correct care measures can you ensure that you recover quickly. Aftercare is an essential part of the B Safe package that makes a crucial difference to the success of the results.

Dr. Berkei and her colleagues are also there for you for aftercare many weeks and months after the operation. Depending on the procedure, several checks are carried out at regular intervals to ensure optimal wound healing. Each of your checks is individually tailored to you and is carried out professionally. We take care of you by changing band-aids, applying the right ointment and carrying out appropriate checks.

In addition, we provide you with valuable tips and advice from more than 26 years of experience in plastic and aesthetic surgery, which you can use yourself to optimize your aftercare. Our recommendations are individually tailored to you and your procedure and take into account your healing process and your options. Of course, we will also be there for you after your operation and answer all your questions so that you can heal relaxed and safely and enjoy your beautiful result for the rest of your life.

Das Logo von Berkei Plastic Surgery, der Praxis für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie von Dr. Julia Berkei.
Experience your journey.

Experience the unique B Safe treatment concept in person and achieve your desired result together with Dr. Berkei and her colleagues. We walk the path to a new life with you. Arrange your consultation appointment directly.

Porträt einer glücklichen Patientin.